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Roast Half Duck Named a Favorite Costco Product

POSTED: 09/29/2020

The BuzzFeed Community has spoken. Maple Leaf Farms Roast Half Duck is a favorite lazy meal staple from Costco. Buzzfeed contributor Hannah Loewentheil compiled responses from readers asked what their favorite Costco products were for easy meals and Roast Half Duck was listed among the 21 suggestions.

"When my mother first told me about the roast half duck at Costco, I laughed. But after trying it, I can attest that the Maple Leaf Farms roast half duck might be the most delicious gourmet find at Costco," says Loewentheil.

BuzzFeed is a leading independent digital media company featuring trending headlines and easy-to-read content. Compared to traditional media (newspapers, full length articles), BuzzFeed is like trivia – the articles are lighter and highlight a few facts or two.

Even though this is a list and not a full article, it is on a major content publisher that has a global audience of 520 million. This brand mention for Maple Leaf Farms resulted in a high publicity value.

Maple Leaf Farms thanks Hannah Loewentheil for including us in this list!

View the full list online at BuzzFeed.