Farm to fork duck breast bowl

Do You Know the Health Benefits of Duck Meat?

POSTED: 12/20/2023

If you are looking to add new and healthy ingredients to your diet, duck is the perfect protein to choose!

Duck not only offers a delicious alternative to other meats and poultry but also has many health advantages when compared to other meats. The various parts of the duck, prepared in different ways, are able to deliver essential nutrients in every flavor packed bite. From duck bacon to natural duck fat, there are endless healthy options for you to enjoy!

Much like olive oil, duck fat is full of nutrients. It contains monounsaturated healthy fats which are helpful in reducing LDL cholesterol.

When compared to traditional pork bacon, duck bacon has a 57% lower fat content. The monounsaturated fats in duck bacon are good for your heart health, which makes duck bacon the healthier option compared to pork bacon.

Maple Leaf Farms’ Duck Breast is lower in calories compared to various protein sources. Skinless duck breast, on average, contains fewer calories than chicken, turkey, beef, and pork. Between poultry and red meat, duck stands out as a lower-calorie option.

Duck meat has more iron (in terms of iron content per serving) than many other meats including turkey, chicken, Cornish game hen, and other cuts of beef. It is also a good source of essential nutrients such as vitamin E, niacin, and selenium.

For those of you who are wanting to change up your diet with healthy ingredients, duck is a perfect protein option for you!