Company Honored for Years of AFIA Membership
POSTED: 05/13/2022
Maple Leaf Farms was among 25 companies recognized by American Feed Industry Association (AFAI) for our years of membership in the organization. The AFIA recently thanked its long-term members for their decades of help in representing the interests of animal agriculture and the companies that feed this important industry.
"It's such an honor to have members who stick with us and are so committed to the betterment of the industry for 25, 50, 80 years," said AFIA's President and CEO Constance Cullman. "Without them, our voice before policymakers and regulators wouldn't be nearly as loud or effective. We can't thank them enough for their dedication to continuous improvement within the animal food industry."
Overall, AFAI has more than 650 members that manufacture more than 75% of the commercial livestock and pet feed in the United States. AFAI’s vision is to continue to inform their members on how to provide the best quality food for their animals through science-based regulations and applications.
To find out more about their mission and values you can visit AFAI’s website.