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Roast Duck with Green Peppercorn Sauce
Tangy Dijon mustard and flavorful peppercorns spice up duck for a weeknight meal.

Duck Breasts in Croute
Duck Breast topped with apricot and fig compote stuffed inside puffed pastry, drizzled with sauce and served with creamy potatoes.

Italian Duck Pizza
Redefine pizza with pesto sauce, eggplant, and ground duck.. Make homemade pesto or buy it prepared for an easy meal.

Duck a l'Orange Sandwich
A delicious mix of flavors placed in the middle of a croissant, the Duck a l'Orange Sandwich is a tasty and fast dish to make. This sandwich is perfect for lunch, dinner or even brunch!

Roast Half Duck Crostini
The mix of honey and duck make for an unlikely, but delicious pairing!

Duck Swedish Meatballs
Ground Duck is a great choice protein for making meatballs!